Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Better late than never

I guess I should have started this blog back in December of 2009 when our Billy adventure began.  But let's digress even further back to when we REALLY started this journey... the AUDITION!

We knew a girl who had been cast in this show called Billy Elliot, so I was looking at their website and found the audition information.  Oh darn!  The auditions in Chicago had past.  Oh well... off to meet some friends in St. Louis for a dance convention.  Over the course of the weekend, I was talking to a dad who was taking his daughter to an audition in Chicago.  "What for?" I asked.  He said, "Some show called Billy Elliot."  I about fell off my chair!  "Really?  I thought those were over?" i said.  Guess not!  (Note to self, get a better calendar.  ha ha)  So I called my husband to ask him if we could go.  "No. You were gone all this weekend and now you want to go there? Don't think so."  But Madison worked on him when we got home and off we went to Chicago the next week for her very first Broadway audition!

I don't know if I should make this short and sweet or go into all the details the audition entailed but what I can say is that is was a LONG and nerve wracking process.  There were over 100 girls that auditioned in Chicago alone (auditions were also being held in NYC and I have no idea how many people auditioned there) and we went back total of 5 times (one time for a Debbie understudy audition (VBG) ). It was a nerve wracking process and every time she got called back, I kept thinking. "This might really happen.  But don't get your hopes up.  But this might really happen!"  I watched the clips of the ballet girls on youtube to see what she might be doing and just get hoping and praying.

During all this time though, Madison had quit competition dancing and auditioned for the Des Moines Playhouse's production of Annie. Oh no! Now we had two auditions we were thinking about!  Man I don't think I was cut out for all that stress!!

Side note: She was offered the part of Annie and started rehearsals late October.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of agonizing waiting, we got the call from Nora early November!  (I forgot to mention that I don't usually answer calls from numbers I don't know, so I made a list of every NYC and New Jersey area code so that I didn't miss THE call we kept hoping to receive.) I was sitting in my car while Madison was in ballet class when Nora said they wanted her for Keeley Gibson.  After that everything was a blur.  I called my husband and my mom and then wondered if I should go in and tell Madison.  I decided to go in a see what they were doing and maybe risk getting her out to tell her.  I was lucky!  She was at the barre right near the door.  "Come here" I whispered and motioned.  She shook her head no.  "No really, come here!!!"  I said.  She looked scared but peaked her head out the door and I told her she got the part!!  She started to scream, then remembered she was in ballet class and shut up but then told her teacher and the whole class congratulated her.

Now reality sets in!!  I have to get ready for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and oh find an apartment in Chicago, find furniture, and get ready to move 3 days after Christmas.  Let the fun begin!!!!

I've got almost 2 years to write about so stay tuned!!!!

1 comment:

  1. loved reading about it....it is a small world...my daughter Shyla got her inspiration from madison for her song and dance routines and then she auditioned for billy elliot in toronto to make it to the top...her friend megs got the part and talked about maddy...it was only after we saw the show that we put two and two together and realized it was the same madison that we watched on youtube! What a talented girl you have.
